Does some very specific ideas emerge about your networking and sources? Does your engagement to date seem appropriate? Limited? Focused? Planned? Unplanned?
I would say that when looking at Acting jobs I have always been very focused and specific about what I want to gain, however, now looking at this module I'm not sure I've always been able to use particular networks or various media forms to the best of my ability, particularly when trying to reflect on my processes. Before taking up this module I would only ever reflect internally when it came to what I had done.
Are your ideas, position or concerns shared by others within and/or beyond your professional area of work?
I recently discussed with BAPP Arts peer, Eleanor Byrne, with regards to a blog about Instagram and left her a a reply to her comment on my blog asking her, 'how much is too much?' In her blog she discusses the way in which we use Instagram for self-gratification and probably to gain a great number of likes or comments. This seems to be where personal and professional interlinks and makes me wonder, 'how can you have the professional without an element of the personal when it comes to the Arts?'
The blog can be viewed here at:
Does sharing ideas and communicating with others shift your thinking, planning or practice?
I often find that many of my fellow peers tend to think the same as me in terms of the Industry, because they regularly mention the same things through virtual and non-virtual discussions. However, I often discover things I never considered before as a result of listening to other people on the course. At a recent campus session we were able to discuss the pros and cons of the technological world in regards to the Creative Industry which was very useful in terms of understanding other professional's motives.
Does critical reflection help you decide what really matters and the actions to take?
I definitely believe that critical reflection enables you to weigh up the pros and cons to everything you do as a professional and believe it is important to never stop questioning what you are doing within your practice. I'm not sure it helps you 'decide' what actions to take as such, but i definitely believe it makes you look at every option from all angles to inform a much more well-rounded decision.
To what extent do concepts and theories assist you in thinking about your professional networking in different ways? And do these different ways of thinking have some purpose for you?
I would say that the various theories that I have studied certainly make me think about things for different angles. For example, Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligence's (2008) have made me truly reassess deeper into what it is to actually learn, consequently aiding my development from actor to teacher. It makes me think about the bigger picture, which can enable me to truly assess my entire professional practice and process. One thing may work, but one thing may not. It is about experimenting and finding various ways of achieving the same professional goal, whatever that may be.
Are you left thinking differently prior to this part of the module? And if so, how?
Because of this, I can now think much more deeply about what I 'think I know.' Honey and Mumford's Four stages of learning initially got me thinking about how myself and others reflect on learning processes, however, Gardner then got me assessing exactly 'how' people may learn, and what your strengths and weaknesses are. I discovered I was a professional who craved interpersonal relationships with people, because I am naturally sociable as a person, not just discovering that I am a theorist who likes reflecting on processes.