What are the current and different ways that you have, or do, engage your professional network?
After discussing what a 'Professional Network' means via a group Skype conversation, Paula recommended that we all 'map out' our communities of practice. We discussed what we pictured a map of our communities would look like and people in the group came up with some very interesting suggestions. Eleanor presented the idea of a spiderweb, mentioning that there are various strands to the web but that the web is essentially 'one thing.'
We also asked the question, who is the spider and who is the fly? In other words, are we the spider who creates the web (ie. our own community,) or are we the fly who is entangled in the web (ie. people mapping out our community for us.) I think maybe we might be both?
This was a really insightful discussion and made me think, 'how much of our community is through our own doing and how much of our community is because of other people? This really got me thinking, because I soon realized that there are many, many communities within my circle, whether that be professional or not.
This was an exercise that made me think about the bigger picture and from going from really having to think about my communities in life, the exercise suddenly became one that flowed easier and showed me how one thing could link instantly to another.
In the Acting Industry I realized there were several branches; including Drama School contacts, Agents and Directors which have all been caused as a result of auditions and workshops. This was often caused by the networks I belonged to, particularly those which were online. Websites such as Spotlight, Casting Call Pro, Casting Networks and Equity were all ways of keeping a door open to the industry and allowed so many opportunities for me to access.I would often find that I would bump into the same people time and time again as a result of simply being in the same social circle realizing that the industry truly was a very small world.
Now I am stationed as a Higher Level Teaching Assistant within a school, I have been expanding my professional circle within an educational setting and only ever have contact via email or simply face-to-face. This community is so much more close knit in terms of physical contact and the mutual engagement between people is incredibly strong, because each person eventually understands and knows everyone within that school unit. You have to support each other every day and is almost like a continuous rehearsal. We are the 'cast' and the children are our 'audience.'
What are the established and different ways that others use their networks, especially if they are more established or experienced practitioners that you admire?
I noticed when at Drama School, that my teachers and directors would very often talk about discussing things with their contacts through a phone call. They would also use terms such as, 'I had a coffee and a chat with so and so the other day and discussed upcoming rehearsals for so and so production.' This to me reflected the different age of professional networking and how things have developed. Years ago, drama schools seemed to emphasis professional discussions and even developed their craft further by going straight into Repertory Theatre to build those industry contacts when they became professionals. Nowadays, Actors seem to be spending hours on their laptops searching the Spotlight directory for new castings and following professionals on Twitter to see if there are any Acting workshops that may be of use to them. The world of technology has changed and evolved and given 'networking' a whole new meaning.
Are there methods, approaches and technologies that you use socially that might apply and help you develop your professional networking?
I often use Facebook socially and have found it as a network very useful in terms of becoming members of casting groups. A drama school group that was created whilst I was studying has allowed me to constantly see notifications of other members providing information about current auditions or castings, informing people that a director is currently looking for someone of a certain description. Following industry professionals on Twitter also means that you can keep up to date with happenings, but also 'retweet' opportunities that may be of interest to someone. To be able to directly message someone or address someone can also give you a much broader chance of contact with someone, so these types of networks are always useful to have.
When you reflect upon current networks, can you think about the motives of others to be in the network and what values and purpose they have in mind?
Particularly on Twitter, you can see how other people try to network with other professionals in a way that highlights positivity. I often see my actor friends 'retweeting' or 'sharing' information about a show that they are appearing in so that they can spread the word and hopefully increase ticket sales and audiences. Their objective is always to be seen and presented in the best light and use networks such as Twitter and Facebook to capture the attention of people. Nowadays anyone can share something online fast and efficiently and these particular networks are useful in doing so.
What would your ideal network look like and why?
My ideal network would be simple, yet professional. I often use Facebook as a means of putting my thoughts across because everything is easily accessible. I want to be able to share things, comment on things and share various forms of media with other professionals in a simple way.
What realistic things could you do to work towards developing your ideal network?
What tools and methods do you need to use? What do you know about your current and intended networks and importantly what do you not want to know?
I could do weekly updates and in particular keep posting up pictures each week of my professional work and findings on Instagram. I can comment each week on people's blogs so that I learn from others about their professional findings and particularly in school I can regularly attend weekly teacher meetings regarding behaviour so that I increase my knowledge. It can also help by simply talking to people and questioning them about their knowledge. For example, today I discussed with a teacher who is trained in Dance about potentially putting together some shows combining Drama and Dance. Communication is key and sometimes face to face can be just as beneficial.
I could do weekly updates and in particular keep posting up pictures each week of my professional work and findings on Instagram. I can comment each week on people's blogs so that I learn from others about their professional findings and particularly in school I can regularly attend weekly teacher meetings regarding behaviour so that I increase my knowledge. It can also help by simply talking to people and questioning them about their knowledge. For example, today I discussed with a teacher who is trained in Dance about potentially putting together some shows combining Drama and Dance. Communication is key and sometimes face to face can be just as beneficial.
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