Interestingly enough, when flicking through my Staff Handbook for my Primary School, I came across these two sections where one was actually titled 'Principles of Professional Practice!'
Most of this I knew anyway and is very similar to the bullet points that I wrote down, however, I was amazed that the last bullet point in this picture specified 'reflecting on your own practice.' Not only is this encouraged and vital for this BA Hons course, but it is also vital to many other workplaces. This shows me that one of the most important principles of Professional Practice is in actual fact thinking on and improving on what you already offer. It also specifies to 'adapt with and learn from colleagues,' something that is encouraged on this course to do with our peers and Special Interest Groups. The ethical considerations is mentioned under the 'working in partnerships with parents and carers, respecting their views.'
When looking at the code of conduct for photography and Creative Arts, it appears that there is no harm in recording images for extra school activities such as Drama. The main things I need to make sure are adhered to are the informing of the parents and the age-appropriate consent from the parent and the child. I must have this consent from both in order to publish these pictures and will do so when I come to create the Ethics Release form for Drama Club rehearsals. I think it is important for the child to also sign and give consent to having their photograph taken too, so that both parties are happy with this. If some children are not happy with this, I will respect their wishes and remove them from the camera. I will aim to disguise the child's identity at all times. I will never mention any names of any pupils whatsoever.
To be fair, I never thought about considering a signature space for the child to give consent, but I feel this would be valid so that I have confirmed consent as well as verbal. This means I am carefully considering every party along the way. The next step is to create my Ethics Release form so that it is ready to give out to parents and pupils to sign.