Saturday, 28 October 2017

Ticking the Right Box - Philip Pullman

Today I was scrolling through Facebook and came across this video that another teaching professional had shared. This is Philip Pullman, an English novelist, who spoke on BBC News recently about our Education system and how in a way it is doing a disservice to children because it is not honing in on something that is crucial in learning; imagination. I found this video incredibly interesting as this was something I had only just been writing about. He talks about the fact that teachers can see whether their pupils are engaged or are struggling as well as the fact that the Education system is obsessed with 'ticking the right box.'  He also discusses that there should be more trust in letting teachers 'get on' with their teaching. I think this also links to other forms of practice and not just teaching. I think we need to remember that in any Creative Practice imagination is vital.

'No work of Art, no book or painting, or poem or symphony was ever reasoned into existence.' - Philip Pullman



  1. This is something I think about daily in my practice. Dotting of the i's and crossing the t's has more value to the education system than self discovery.

    1. Jennifer,

      I completely agree with you. I think we are now so fixated on the 'end result' everything else is missed. That's why I think the Arts is so important in exploring other strengths beside the academic. I mean, if you don't have the skill of confidence then how can you even approach that math question? If you don't even just believe in your own abilities to achieve anything?

  2. Hi Emma, I completely agree with this. I was just having a discussion the other day about this with a colleague.The whole notion that there is one top of the class and that everyone must fit in to one category to be considered the best seems to kill the whole process of learning. A lack of acceptance of the individual seems very normal in the educational system today. I think that often this pulls the creativity out of children.

  3. I agree, Ann. Isn't it funny how it is like this within the Education system, but yet when you are in the world you are then allowed to be the best you can be at the area of learning or job you choose for yourself? This is probably because at last you have been able to flourish in the things you're drawn to. And maybe just because you aren't good at Maths, doesn't mean you won't succeed! I think there is far more to it than just 'ticking boxes.'
