Saturday, 28 October 2017

Module 2 - Task 5A - Initial Brainstorm of Ethical Codes of Conduct

For task 5a I had to quickly brainstorm some Ethical factors for my professional practice, so I decided to set myself the challenge of quickly noting down the first few factors that came to mind in bullet points. 

This was a very quick brainstorm into what I believed my ethics of working in a school were, without relying on actually documentation to assist me. Some factors were easy to think of, whereas others required more thought into them. What was interesting was that the ethics dealt with two things;  the professional and the emotional.

For example, in order to pursue a professional code of conduct you must listen to the children, however, factors like listening and communicating to the children can be for emotional benefit also. It appears that sometimes professional and emotional ethics can link hand in hand, which makes you think of how the code of conduct was created; quite simply with the children in mind. Surely you cannot have one without the other?

This is shown from Figure 2 in Reader 5 which presents the 'Arenas of Professional Practice.' The diagram shows cogs turning and that one cannot simply operate without the other. You have to achieve all three for your ethical practice to work; employer expectation, professional code and personal ethics. They all link hand in hand which makes me realise that without ethics, you can't really have a community or serve a profession to the best of your ability. 

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